These are the subjects you have in 1st year early childhood education:
- Didàctica de l'educación infantil
- Autonomia personal i salut infantil.
- Expressió i comunicació.
- Desenrotllament cognitiu i motor.
- Formació i orientació laboral.
- Horari reservat per al mòdul impartit en anglés.
How are they called in English? Can you translate them?
These are the subjects you going to have next year. Can you translate them?
- El joc infantil i la seua metodologia.
- Desenrotllament socioafectiu.
- Habilitats socials.
- Intervenció amb famílies i atenció a menors en risc social.
- Projecte d'atenció a la infància.
- Primers auxilis.
- Empresa i iniciativa emprenedora.
- Formació en Centres de Treball.
- Horari reservat per al mòdul impartit en anglés.
Remember, you can see the answers in AULES.
Questions about the video:
- What does Natalie enjoy most about being an early years teacher?
- Where did Nadia work for a while?
- What did she do there?
- What did Steve start doing?
- What does he say about the kids?
- What does Hannah say about the course?
- Bonnie says everyday is so special with children, What can you witness everyday?
- Are you arming them just with skills for their school careers?
- What are those important skills?
- Is it important to have a positive environment in early years? Why?
Present simple vs. Present continuous
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