Tracy Chapman: Behind the Wall Lyrics
Savage Garden: Two beds and a coffee machine Lyrics
- Look through the lyrics of Every breath you take and choose correct sentence:
The author will watch a film / will protect you / will spy on you
- What feelings can you see in this song?
- What's happening in the relationship?
- Would you feel happy if someone told you things like these? Why?
- Would you tell anyone "you belong to me"? Why (not)?
- Do you agree with this song's messages?
- Is there respect in this relationship?
What are the statistics of domestic violence? How many women suffer from it?
Student's SLOGANS (Curso 20-21)
Imagen de Gerd Altmann en Pixabay
Read the text about vicarious violence* and answer the questions:
- Who do abusers intimidate and harm? Why?
- What can these abusers do in order to harm their partners?
- How many children were killed in the last decade? (With data up to 2017)
- How old were the children?
- How many children were killed during joint custody period?
- How many children were victims of abuse in the family environment in 2014?
* Complete text in the following web page: